Oct 3, 2014

Fitness Friday: Be Intentional

Is there any other way to fitness other than the intentional route - the one that takes effort, pain, and dogged determination to keep going? Do we “just happen” to become and stay fit, either physically or spiritually?

Starting today, I’ll be posting about fitness on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. For many years, the Lord has been teaching me about my own fitness, physical and spiritual, and I’ll be sharing what I learned…and continue to learn.

Lesson #1: Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-16) – we must be intentional to get results.

Four years ago, I published a book titled Fat to Fit: Working Out Your Salvation. I did not have a blog or a website, so I half-heartedly tried to promote it locally. I also gave away copies to famous authors at a book convention, figuring the Lord would lead them to read it, they’d love it, and they’d promote it. Nothing happened. 

I built it, but they didn’t come.

Last year, I revised and retitled the book, and self-published Intentional Fitness:Working Out Your Salvation so Others Can See Jesus. Now I had a blog, and a website, and I could get the word out. I promoted the book for a short time, and gave away copies…hoping for good reviews. Again, nothing happened. I have a few good reviews, but little or no sales.

I believe the book is from the Lord, and I passionately believe in the message.

So why isn’t it selling?

Because I am not intentional about sharing it. I lost confidence in what the Lord placed in my heart.

Somehow, I thought I could just get it into the “right hands”, and the Lord would take it from there. I thought, “If the Lord wants people to read it, He’ll bring them.” While that’s true – and He has – I have a part to play. Instead of playing that part, I allowed fear, doubt, and laziness to erode my confidence and place a blanket over my passion. I crossed the line from faith to presumption, saying, "Lord, sell my book (...because I don't want to - I can't (whine, whine))."

How can I expect anyone to listen to me speak or write about intentional anything when I am not intentional about sharing what the Lord placed in my heart, consistently and passionately? 

I can’t.

But God. 

He forgives, restores, gives us new life and a fresh start…we just need to repent and ask.

I did.

Today marks the beginning of a new, intentional journey toward my own spiritual fitness in the area of consistently and confidently sharing my heart and my passions. I don’t believe we can fully be who Jesus created us to be – spiritually fit to run the race – unless we are fully pouring out what He placed inside us.

We may not always get the results we want - that's up to the Lord. Our role is to obey, step out in faith, and confidently trust He'll accomplish His purposes through us along the way...whether we see results or not.

Will you join me on this journey?

TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Where have you been wrongfully expecting God to do your part? Put feet to your faith, and boldly step out with all your heart. He’s waiting!

If you haven't read my book, order a copy - it's free on kindle if you have Kindle unlimited. If you already read it, will you take a few minutes and post a review on Amazon? I'd appreciate your feedback!


  1. You are so right. We intentionally walk the path He set out for us. Time will tell how many hearts and minds you will touch now. The book is not the end. It is only the beginning. Coming to you from the Consilium.

    1. yes, I just realized as I read your comment that if I try to carry results with me, I would be too burdened to do what was right in front of me. It really is about just walking the path in obedience. Thank you for your comment, Chris!!

  2. Thank you, Mary. What a great resource to share with others. Going to check it out right now. Intentional has been my "word" for this year :)

    1. thank you, Jeanne! I think that's going to be my word as well for the rest of this year at least.and I have found that when I am intentional in one area, it spills into other areas of my life and I have more discipline overall. It's a good type of chain reaction.

  3. Mary, I read your book during a train ride to New Jersey. When I hit the third section "Transformation", my highlighter came out. Months later I am still being challenged by what God spoke into my life. He definitely uses you--don't ever doubt it.

    1. thank you for your encouragement, Maureen!!. Much appreciated. And you were on my mind just a few days ago. I'll be calling you soon to catch up.


Thank you for your G-rated comments!