Sep 16, 2013

MultiColor Monday: Celebrate!

I'm celebrating today!!

First of all, it's my birthday...a date I used to dread because it meant I was getting older. (OK, for a hint at how old, let's just say that I remember TV without remote, 8-tracks, and $.35/gallon gas.) And older means slower, less energy, and less ability to do most anything I could do a year ago.

But now I celebrate getting older. I realize that my life is a gift from my Creator, and if He still has me on this earth, then He has a plan for me. So I reflect on all that the Lord did in me, through me, and for me over the past year...and look ahead to what He'll bring into my life in the coming year. I have so much to be thankful for!

Next, I'm celebrating the official release of my book Intentional Fitness: Working Out Your Salvation so Others Can See Jesus.  

I'm excited to see how the Lord will use my words in the lives of others to help them grow closer to Him!

I'm excited to see Katlan's beautiful MultiColor cover on!

I'm excited I have both a soft cover and Kindle edition of the book!

I'm excited I made a plan to release the book on birthday, and God's perfect timing made that possible!

I know my book is just one of millions on the market today. So why should you buy it? As a reminder, here are my “top 10” uses for the book (not in any particular order).
  1. At the end of each chapter, I’ve included challenge questions. These can be used to help you think about where you need to grow and change in your spiritual walk.
  2. The same questions mentioned in #1 can be used for discussion in a small group Bible study.
  3. If you have a table with one short leg, the book is just the right size to make the table stop wobbling. If one is not enough, use two.
  4. If you’re reading the book outside and it’s hot, you can take short breaks and fan yourself with it.
  5. If you’re reading the book outside and it’s cold, use it as kindling to start a fire (of course, only if you’ve finished reading it).
  6. Have a copy in your kitchen – it makes a great fly and mosquito killer.
  7. Have a copy on your end or coffee table – people who visit will think you’re spiritual. In fact, have a copy on all your tables – they make great coasters. 
  8. At your church or your gym, hold a combination physical/spiritual fitness class. Combine use of the book with other tips on nutrition and exercise.
  9. Use it to fill a very small space on your bookshelf that needs filler to make all the bigger books stand up straight.
  10. Give as gifts – great size for a stocking stuffer. 
So if you can't refuse such a versatile investment, buy the Kindle version or the paperback version on Amazon.

Seriously, I am amazed that I have a book published, and honored that God gave me words to share. I'm thankful for the ability to self-publish, and excited to see what the Lord will do with the book. 

I'm thankful for the variety of authors and books - the MultiColor assortment of talent, personality, and style - that invite us to learn more about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

And I'm humbled to be one of them.

I invite you to celebrate with me. What are you thankful for today?  

Have an awesomely blessed MultiColor Monday!


  1. Congratulations, Mary. Love your post! I pray it goes above and beyond your expectations and that many are blessed by it. I will check it out on Amazon. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Starr, for your prayers and comment. And blessings to you too!

  2. For those of us who want to purchase an autographed copy directly from the birthday girl, how much do I send you and to what address?

    1. I will send you the info....I truly appreciate your support and comment, David. Have a blessed day!

  3. Happy birthday, Mary! And what a great birthday present! Of course I'd love a copy (AUTOGRAPHED) and I'll pick it up in person on Friday! Congratulations, Mary!

    1. Thank you, Susan - the books have shipped and I should have them today. Looking forward to seeing you!!


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