Jan 14, 2020

It's a Good Morning, Yes It Is!

Good morning to you!

The Lord has been dealing with me on where I focus. I have a tendency to go negative in my thinking, especially first thing in the morning.

Not today! From my journal...

Stop focusing on what you can't do or haven't done. Focus on what you CAN do in this moment. LIVE in the moment.

It's so tempting to start this day being negative: I overslept, late start to the day, didn't get all done yesterday that I planned.

Or, I can look at where I am now (in my prayer closet with the Lord), things I have to look forward to today, and all I DID get done yesterday.

The glass is always full as a follower of Jesus. No matter the moment, we have hope that we are not alone - Jesus is with us always. We have hope that He is working out all for our good, even though we can't see how right now. We have hope that we can get through this day with victory, through Christ who strengthens us in our weakness. And most importantly we have hope demonstrated on the cross that He loves us with an everlasting love that will never end.

Eternal perspective, that's what we need each day.

  • What is God going to do in my life today?
  • How is He going to creatively resolve the problems I face?
  • Where is He going to show up unexpectedly?
  • Could today be the day He answers a prayer I've been praying forever?
  • Who will He bring across my path today that needs a blessing or will be a blessing to me?

I have a choice on how I start each and every day. How I greet myself each morning. Think about it. We say "Good morning!" when we greet each other. What if we said, "Bad morning"? Right! Why would we wish a bad morning on anyone?

Yet that's exactly what we do when we start our day with negative and woe-is-me thoughts. We forecast doom and gloom and hang our heads. Our "bad morning" grows into a bad day...into a bad week...and so on until we finally say


Not today! Today is a new day, and a day the Lord has made and given to me as a gift. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to, because I have Jesus in me, with me, and behind me all the way!

It's a good morning, yes it is!

How will you choose to set this day in motion? What direction will you choose? Time to get up, look up, and go out and make this a great day...ON PURPOSE!

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
(Psalm 118:22-24, NKJV)


  1. Looks like you and I were on similar wavelengths today. My latest post is on starting the day with positive thoughts. I hope you continue to have a positive 2020.

    1. Yes and amen! I especially liked the Focus step - my mind runs wild and sometimes I don't even noticed my focus has shifted!
      Thank you for your comment, Lisa!


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