Feb 3, 2018

God Knows Exactly - Prepare to be Amazed

A few things happened this past week that hurt my feelings. Not big things, and not intended to hurt; but they did.

As usually happens, my hurt turned into anger. Negative and condemning thoughts assaulted my mind – about the people involved, about things they did that we talked through long ago and forgave, about how they really just didn’t care about me or how could they have __________.

Yes, the pity party had begun!

Then the party rolled on to include people and situations that were really OK, but that my mind was twisting because it was so filled with hurt and anger. The barrage of negative thoughts intensified. In the midst of them, I prayed and forgave…prayed and forgave…forgave and prayed…as best I could.

By the time I went to bed yesterday, what-ifs and they-should-haves and why-didn’t-Is filled my mind. Hurt and anger over what had “been done to me” simmered just below the surface, completely crowding out my peace.

After a few fitful hours of sleep, I found myself wide awake at 1AM, thoughts rolling. An hour later, I got up and went downstairs, my Bible and a study by Priscilla Shirer about hearing from God in hand. I began with the workbook lessons for Chapter 1. The lesson titles I worked through (and a few key verses):

-  A Simple Beginning (Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10)
-  A Simple Humility (Matthew 18:4; James 4:6, 10)
-  A Simple Trust (Hebrews 11:6; John 3:18)
-  A Simple Dependence (Psalm 131:2; Jeremiah 2:13)

God is so amazing!

He knew exactly what would happen last week: hurtful situations.

He knew exactly where I’d be yesterday: drowning in lies and self-pity.

He knew exactly what I’d need: a hefty dose of the basics.

And most amazingly of all, God’s provision was on the way long before I needed it!

-  A few weeks ago, my prayer partner asked to change our prayer night from Tuesday to Monday
-  Last week God nudged me to join a Bible study group that meets on Tuesday, which is why I had the Bible study book
-  When I get up at night I usually pray or write. But last night I was drawn to do the study, which is unusual because I typically prefer unstructured Bible reading and study

The truth from God’s word, and right perspective on each situation and person, invaded my mind and crowded out the lies and negative thoughts. An hour and a half spent filling up with God’s Word renewed my soul. I repented for judging and believing the lies, forgave the hurts, prayed and thanked God for everyone involved.

I didn’t need to fix/change the situations. 

I didn’t need to understand why. 

I didn’t need to ignore the hurt or pretend it away. 

I didn’t even need to pray the right prayer!

God knew my heart, and my need: I simply needed more of God Himself.

And as He always does, He revealed Himself to me in exactly the way I needed and would best receive and understand.

Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! (Matthew 6:8b, TLB)

Where are you struggling today? Where do you need God to show up for you? God knows exactly, prepare to be amazed!


  1. Mary, thank you for sharing this. God is so good! Glad that He turned your negative into a host of positives so quickly.

  2. God is always knowing, always working, and always right on time. Thanks for the reminder.


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