Jan 6, 2015

Multi-Color Monday: Celebrate Blogging

To start the new year, here's a fun post to celebrate blogging.

My writing friend, Tina Hunt, nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Having accepted, here are the rules I now must follow:

 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
 2. Put the award logo on your blog.
 3. Answer the 10 questions they’ve sent you.
 4. Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.

Here are my answers to Tina's 10 questions for me:
   1. If life is not a formula, what is it? Can you sum it up in 25 words or less?
It's the sum of our choices. We want formulas for living; Jesus says, “Follow me,” one day and one choice at a time. It’s really that simple (at least in concept).

   2. What are your writing goals for 2015?
Finish my second book, Aiding and Abetting. Continue to blog regularly. Finish two smaller pamphlet-size lessons for download.

   3. Are you a plotter or a panster?
Panster, all the way! Energizes me to fly that way.

   4. Where is your favorite place to write?
Outside…which is often impossible. So, by a window where I can see outside works.

   5. What was a highlight from 2014 for you?
Transitioning from Raleigh to Northern Virginia, observing how God did everything so smoothly and with such perfect timing. From the start of the plan in 2013 through the actual move this year, Don and I (and my parents) had perfect peace, despite a few bumps here and there as we “adjusted”. 

   6. How do you decide what to write?
I try to listen to the Lord as best I can, and write what He shows me. Most of my writing is centered on our choices and obedience. My passion is to see Christians grow up – be set free by the truth learned through obedience (John 8:31-32) – so the Church becomes a place full of people who live and speak the truth boldly, in love. Then those who don’t know Jesus can find Him there.

   7. Cats or dogs?
Cats, most definitely!

   8. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind is best for you?
Sometimes, but not often. If I do, I set my iPod to “shuffle” to get a mix of all types of Christian music, from rock to country to worship. I hardly ever listen to secular music.

   9. What’s your best stress reliever?
Being outside – walking, hiking, or sitting – and/or listening to music. If I can do both, it’s a bonus. I also enjoy pondering...although sometimes that causes more stress than it relieves.

 10. Tell us about your retreat ministry.
It’s really someone else’s ministry – I helped her with a few retreats this past year, and may help her in the future. Before that, I spoke at a few retreats, and want to speak at more in 2015 as part of my speaking ministry.

Thank you, Tina, this was fun! Now I nominate Jeanne Doyon, website http://jeannedoyon.blogspot.com/

Here are your questions, Jeanne, if you choose to accept.

   1. What’s the most surprising thing God did in your life last year?
   2. What is your most God-sized goal for 2015?
   3. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
   4. What are you most thankful for at this moment?
   5. What was your favorite pet ever, and why?
   6. What is one of your most memorable answered prayers?
   7. How many different schools did you attend through 12th grade?
   8. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be, and why?
   9. What hobby(s) recharge your batteries?
 10. What is the number one item on your bucket list?

 Happy New Year, everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed learning about you, Mary. You're a great lady!

    You are so right, life is not a formula. It would be so much easier to walk a well-defined path than to follow Jesus, wherever He leads. Especially for a control freak like me!


Thank you for your G-rated comments!