Jan 30, 2014

God Speaks

Yesterday morning I woke up angry, irritable, and hurting…for no specific reason. Felt annoyed by lots of little things – in fact, just about everything made me mad!  I tried to talk out why with Don, but that didn’t help or make the feelings go away.

So I came up to my quiet place to sit with the Lord. I cried, felt all kinds of emotions, and tried to pray…but words would not come. So I started praying in the spirit, and kept on crying. 

As I prayed, people and situations came to mind. A friend’s son who is in prison, hurting and alone. Friends who are struggling with a difficult child.  Co-workers who said hurtful things to me. Parents. Family. Friends. I prayed, and cried, and prayed.

The Lord answered.

I discovered that nothing was "bothering" me, I just needed to pray. The emotions I felt – pain, anger, and frustration – were simply a burden from the Lord that He wanted me to pray through.

Out of that prayer time, I birthed a blog post. Not something I’d usually write, but I felt I wrote it for someone. If only one person, I’m thankful to have had the privilege.

Now I have to laugh. Since I have been really enjoying my life over the past few months, this morning’s mood did not make sense...and yet I still jumped to conclusions. Thankfully I came to the Lord instead of going through the day (or week) mad at everyone and everything. 

I prayed (did I mention that?)

And God answered (I think I covered that too).

TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Are emotions and thoughts about something heavy on your heart today? Pray! God will answer.


  1. It must've been something in the air, Mary! I felt the same way yesterday. I didn't handle it in the right way, as you did.

    I grumbled a while until I heard God say, "Now really, what do you have to be grumbling about???" I realized I was blessed in just about every way I could imagine. He helped my turn my grumbling into praise!

    1. Thank you, Sherry - the Lord is always waiting to exchange our junk for prayer and praise. Glad we both heard Him!!!


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