Oct 4, 2013

Fitness Friday: Who are we Kidding?

Have you heard the expression, "You don't have a poker face"?  

It's sometimes accompanied by it's closest-of-kin, "Your thoughts are written all over your face!"  

I've heard both. Apparently I don't have a poker face - one look tells you exactly what I'm thinking. For years I've hated being so transparent. I longed to have privacy with my thoughts. I wished I could mask my emotions so noone would know how I felt.

Because that's the message I received from all directions: it's all about looking good. Our culture feeds our insane attempts to look good on the outside to mask and hide what is going on inside. Yet try as we might to clean off and polish up our outsides, what is on the inside eventually shows through. Who are we kidding, really!

Here's a short video message about God's view of our image.

The truth is, God sees us as we really are - He knows our true colors.

And honestly, despite our attempts to hide, most people who know us, also see.

So who are we kidding with all our attempts to cover up what's inside? Mostly just ourselves! 

TODAY'S CHALLENGE:  Make this your prayer today:  "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."  (Psalm 51:10, KJV)


  1. SO good, Mary! You did a great job, and your message is spot-on. I think our countenance should reflect a transformed heart and the joy of knowing Him. I pray that for my family.

    1. Thank you, Susan! Yes, we have every reason to be joyful, from the inside out!


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