Aug 23, 2013

Fitness Friday: Intentional Fitness, Countdown Continues

Over the past few weeks I’ve shared some of the content from Intentional Fitness: Working Out Your Salvation so Others Can See Jesus. Today I’d like to introduce my fabulous cover girl Lucy, created by my fabulous niece Katlan.

Heeeeeeere’s Lucy!   

She has a little bit of attitude, likes to have fun, and has lots of class and style. Most of all, she loves Jesus.

This is her trademark “Hi, pleased to meet you” pose. As I write books, she’ll be sporting a variety of different looks to help illustrate what the book is about.

And speaking of illustration, her creator, Katlan Graziano, has always enjoyed drawing, and the challenge of creating and illustrating characters.  Lucy is not her first published character.  Among others she has created is a messy pig named Greg who taught children about manners.  Katlan recently graduated from JMU, and is looking forward to future illustration opportunities.

When we first started talking about cover ideas for this and future books, it was Katlan’s idea to create a central character who could be on all the books. Here's Lucy on her debut cover, and a short excerpt from the back of the cover.

“Therefore, my dear friends . . . continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling . . .” Philippians 2:12 (NIV). We know how to work out our problems, work the kinks out of our backs, and work out at the gym, but we’re not exactly sure how to work out our salvation.  Is this working out of salvation anything like other work-outs with which we are familiar? Will this work-out take discipline, denial, and diet? Will this work-out require intentional effort, possibly even a daily commitment?

The answers are yes, yes, and yes.

I’m so excited and humbled to see how God is bringing everything together for the re-release of my first book. Katlan and I are in the final review stages now, so the book should be ready for release by the first week of September.

I don’t know what He has planned for this book or for any others, I just know I need to write them and put them in His hands. I am so blessed when my fingers are on the keyboard and words are pouring out! Our God is amazing in how He creates us, and then gives us gifts and talents that bring Him glory and fill us with such joy.

Happy Fitness Friday!  Give someone you love a BIG hug today, and be thankful God brought them into your life!

COMING NEXT WEEK:  The original idea behind the book, and the top 10 suggested uses for the book.

TODAY’S CHALLENGE:  What gift or talent has the Lord given you that brings Him glory and blesses your socks off? Are you spending your talent, or hiding it under a bushel?  God longs to see you shine brightly with His joy in a world that so desperately needs Him!


  1. Great looking cover and I enjoyed your blog Mary. Thank you for sharing. Katlan did a great job as well. I wish you only the best with your book.


    1. Thank you, Tim, for your encouragement! Yes, Katlan is very talented. You'll be seeing more work from her, I'm sure.

  2. Mary, this is so exciting. I love Lucy...all pun intended!

    1. Thank you, Tina, I appreciate your encouragement! And me too. I bet no matter how young people are, they will remember I Love Lucy. And, I dictated this through Siri and she capitalized I Love Lucy - even she knows!

  3. I love it, Mary! Did you know my daughter is a senior at JMU? Love those Dukes!
    Congrats on the book. I love Lucy too!

    1. Wow - it is a VERY small world! We went to Katlan's graduation, and it seems like a good school, and definitely a great location.
      Thank you for your comments. We have a few more changes and will be ready to go.


Thank you for your G-rated comments!